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Update and Goals

Heh, heh, ooops.  Totally spaced on Friday's post, so a quick overview of what I actually accomplished. New business cards arrived in the mail today!

Knitting:  I finished Mom's swirly scarf, worked on some flowers to be felted, finished all the letters on O's scarf, and tried a couple dishcloth patterns.  I now have an employee! Sort of.  I'll wait til I have explicit permission to use her full name on here.  I'm a little out of touch with what people want, since what I want is very rarely the most popular thing.  I have no real desire to tap into the "mainstream mind," not that there's anything wrong with it, I'm not sure I could in any case.  Therefore, a friend of mine has agreed to be a Market Consultant, to help me make sure I'm making products people will want.  YAAAYYYY!!!!

Painting: I hit a block around Thursday, when I realized that my values for Luvie were way off.  So I got some tracing paper to do tracings of photos, then pencil in value studies as a step before painting.  I keep trying to cut steps, and it keeps not working.  But I'm learning!  I did a few experiments, resulting in my confidence that I can "wash off" some grid lines on H's giant sunset while maintaining the integrity of the watercolor pencil marks I used to sketch out the clouds.  Nothing major finished, no great bounds of progress, just chipping away at my work.

FABULOUS news on the employment front! Financially I'm currently only involved in D. I. Ent., making at least a part  time job highly desirable.  I stopped at a local Blick's to pick up said tracing paper, and since I was there, inquired about job openings.  Not only are they hiring, but there's a leadership position that the general manager made sure to mark on my application since I have management experience!  WOO!!! I turned in my application the next day and now all I have to do is wait and see. It may all come to nothing, but hey, I did everything I could to make something happen!

Now on to the weekly goals, which is almost the fun part!

Serious Painting goals:
1. Finish that bleeping collie for my portfolio
2. Finish all 3 paintings of Princess Fiona, the cat of many names
3. Put water to art board on H's sunset
4. Extensive work on Molly
5. Basic work on the 300lb bedroom(sounds so awkward!)
6. Work on the two Sherlock paintings

Serious Knitting Goals:
1. Five flowers felted by Saturday
2. Finish Liz's scarf
3. Maybe make 1 placemat
4. Felt Potholders

Fun Goals:
Don't work on fun painting, work on not-so-fun housework.
Exercise Daily!

Well, I guess that's all for today.  Not the most fun week ahead of me, but getting stuff done will be so worth it!


  1. You have quite the full plate!

    1. But it's delicous! If you think that's a lot, you should see the rest of my to-do list.


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