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Less than Productive

I started this blog in part to show off my work, but primarily to be accountable to something other than myself.  So far, not really working.  Therefore, I should have a plan to post regularly, say...Mondays to discuss what work I will be doing that week and Fridays to recap what I've gotten done.  I'll try to keep it interesting, and give the occasional how-to of something spiffy I didn't know when I first started painting.

Since it's been a while, I've got to admit that painting has kinda gotten pushed aside in favor of knitting.  I now have 2 spiffy potholders I knitted and felted, and Grandmother LOVES the scarf I gave her for her birthday!  I'm also working on O's scarf in my downtime.  Designing the stitching is really fun but often bang-head-against-wall frustrating.

Now for painting: I'm almost done with 2 wips, a Collie and Watson.  I'll finish both of those this week, as well as significant work on Luvie and Princess Fiona.  I'm going to start work on my two Beds (more on that later) and get both versions of Molly to the finishing point.

There's my goals, now lets see how I do!


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