Hello Readers! I have a meeting on Friday with the owner of 2 b Inspired, and thought I'd store some links here for reference. The presentation I'm putting together isn't going as smoothly as I'd hoped, so I'm gonna link up the pages I'm getting info from. I'm hoping to manage to get a binder (well, 2, one for me to reference, and one for her to keep) together, but getting the pictures to cooperate is...well...labor intensive. SO! As much as I hate to advertise another business that I'm not getting something back from...er...that doesn't sound quite right. I prefer to use this blog as advertising for me and the businesses I work with since the other businesses I use get sufficient advertising elsewhere...yeah that sounds right. Anyway, I'm using my favorite online yarn store for info and links, but I am not advocating it...although I do love the customer service from them. I have a sample of the following knit up as an example: http://...
Watercolor Commissions, etc